The Software Suite that Optimizes Senior Residential Care Management
Plan your professional resources appropriately to provide services that exceed your residents and their family’s expectations.
Our software suite makes it possible to integrate the results of the clinical evaluation carried out with residents. These results are then used to design a personalized service plan for each of them. You are then able to paint a realistic portrait of your residence allowing you to optimize human and financial resources management.
Be proactive
and Get a
Head Start
Benefit from an
Overview of your
Residents’ Needs
your Professional
A Custom-Made Solution that Supports your Operations
Hopem offers care management software with features that allow you to efficiently manage your residences while prioritizing residents’ health and safety.
Our solutions are flexible, and you can add the modules you need to make them even more efficient.
Resident and Satisfaction Management
Receive positive feedback by taking great care of your residents and communicating reassuring information to their loved ones.
Assessment results carried out with the residents provide access to a realistic overview of their needs. In addition to facilitating optional services sale, these assessments become a tool allowing your work teams to determine which care is appropriate to provide, either according to the specific needs of the resident, and/or according to the schedule.
Go further by offering a communication tool to caregivers working with your residents. Our solutions make it possible to share their treatment plan in collaboration with their family.
It is essential to know your customers and their needs to offer them a quality of service that will build their loyalty.
Employee Management and Staff Retention
Maintain a lasting relationship with your employees by creating a positive work environment that facilitates their daily tasks.
Our care management software makes it possible to better plan services offered to residents and limit the risk of errors or omissions. It is then possible to create fair working routes for your nursing staff.
This is a working tool that will allow your teams to be more efficient.